Suggestions and updates are welcome.
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Community Net
Halifax, Nova Scotia's volunteer-based online provider since 1994
The Mayflower Quilter's Retreat is held bi-annually at Pictou Lodge. The
three-day workshops feature award winning instructors and a varied range of
quilting styles and skill levels.
Please visit our
"Retreat Blog". Here you can read about the Retreat and see pictures from
most of
the Retreats going back to 1987.
Be sure and pay us a visit Mayflower
Quilter's Retreat Blog
Mayflower Quilters
Guild located in Halifax, Nova
Mahone Bay Quilters Guild
new blog, is worth a visit!
A few Fabric
and Quilting Stores in Nova Scotia
Canadian Mail Order
Sources For Textiles
Want to see some of my quilts? Look here...... Nina's
Visiting Nova Scotia?
My relatives own and operate the
Balmoral Motel conveniently located in Tatamagouche
Information on Nova ScotiaTourism Nova Scotia and NS Online
Quilt Links
Sew With Vision - new location in Halifax, NS, authorized PFAFF, Husqvarna
Viking, Singer dealer. Sales - Service - Teaching - classes
Quilt Blogs
Good Earth Quilting -specializing
in organic cotton fabric for sewing and quilting
Mad About Patchwork -
an online fabric shop based in Ottawa, Ontario. Also take a look at the
Cotton Club The Cotton Club
offering quality 100% cotton fabric to quilters and sewers around the
world since 1984. Now, in addition to our 14 clubs, we offer, original
Block of the Months.
For Quilting
Martha's Quilting
Corner - A full service quilt shop with name brand discounted quilt
fabric, books, quilt kits and more!
Ann Hill Quilter
Dumfries, Scotland
Better Quilt Kits
fabrics and quilt kits
NY Fashion Center
- silks, cottons, sewing machines, fashion fabrics
Portrait Quilts - Memory
quilts, photo quilts or picture quilts, images of favorite photos,
drawings and/or written messages
Quilt Home.com - cotton
collections from popular fabric designers
Weekend Kits
- offers a variety of creative project kits, including Quilt Kits for
beginners and experienced quilters too
Black Bird Country Quilt
Upholstery - Fabrics-
online store for fabrics
Bahama Hand Prints - Unique
hand printed upholstery fabric, drapery or quilting
fabric and home accessories in elegant tropical designs. Annual collection
of women's resort wear fashions and canvas handbag totes in light tropical
Quilt N Bee - The Quilt N Bee is a
full service quilting supply shop with classes for the beginner through the
advanced quilter. Quilt N Bee offers fabrics online from Moda, P&B, RJR, Alexander
Henry, Michael Miller, Kansas Troubles and many others. Included in the Quilt N
Bee's services is long arm quilting to turn anyone's quilt into a creative
masterpiece. We offer a wide variety of quilting fabrics from Western fabrics to
brights, from florals to children's fabrics as well as quilting supplies, quilt
kits, patterns, and quilting notions.
Quilt The Atlantic - a resource
site specifically aimed at quilters in the Atlantic provinces who are looking for
stores, instructors, guilds, events, etc., to enrich their quilting experiences
Denver Fabrics - Fabric for
dancewear, costumes, rug hooking, crafts and home decor. Many silk, wool, and
linen designer fabrics. Prices often at or below wholesale fabric pricing. Also
sewing notions, trims, books and patterns at discount.
Valerie Hearder - African Threads
Karen Henry Quilts -
landscape quilt artist
Kelly Burgess - art quilts

- Quiltville Custom Quilting custom
quilting, quilts, tutorials, patterns
- Flower Box Quilts - fabrics,
patterns, workshops and classes
- My Cotton Patch Quilt
Shop - Contemporary Fabrics, Brights, Michael Miller, Hoffman, and
Reproduction Fabrics.
- www.5bucksayard.com - 100% cotton
quilt fabric - Thimbleberries, MODA, Michael Miller, Debbie Mumm and more -
discontinued and closeout fabrics
- Quilting 101.com - quilt making tips
- Quilts 'n
More: Thimbleberries, novelty prints, flannels, Christmas fabrics, and
quilt kits
- Quilts 'n More is located in the historic downtown of Midlothian, Texas,
just 30 miles south of the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. Our specialties
include Thimbleberries fabrics and books, novelty prints, Christmas
fabrics year round, flannels, and quilt kits.
- Quilt fabric store, Bear Paw
Quilt Co. - Online discount fabric retailer with thousands of name
brand fabrics starting as low as $2.99/yd.
- Nancy Rink Designs -
creates traditional and contemporary quilts, quilt patterns, and hand-dyed
fabrics. Free block of the month.
- Fat Quarter Shop -
Specializing in fat quarter bundles for the quilting enthusiast
- Mama's Log House Quilt
Shop - Our quilt shop specializes in exceptional selection and service.
Please visit our online shop to see our frequently updated inventory of
quilting fabric, quilting supplies, patterns, quilt books, kits and more.
- The Quilt Index - The Quilt
Index is an online research and reference tool designed to provide to
information and images of quilts held in private and public collections.
- Kameleon Quilts - quilts and
patterns from Norway by designer Eldrid Royset Forde
- River City Quilts - in
southern Minnesota
- Goose Tracks Quilts - unique
decorative quilts and free t-shirt quilt instructions
- QuiltersWarehouse.com -
Specializing in quilt patterns, products, and fabrics
- Scarlett Rose - Celtic
and Stained Glass Quilt Books, Patterns, Specialty Notions.
- QuiltProfessionals.com -
searchable directory of quilt shops, teachers, quilting suppliers, quilts for
sale and more.
- DCM Products - wooden quilt
- Patchpieces
- America's Quilting
- Ami Simms- 'how to' photo transfer,
mystery quilts, books, quilting tips.
- Marilyn Belford's Art Quilts -
Art Quilts and realistic fabric portraits by Marilyn Belford and her students
are displayed. Also to be seen are photos of Marilyn's works as they evolved
from start to finish
- QuiltPro Directory of Quilt
Shops and more - a new directory of quilt shops, quilting supplies,
quilters etc.
- Wild Zipper - custom T-Shirt
- Handiquilter - Use your own
home sewing machine to machine quilt
- ABC Patterns - Specializing in
quilt patterns for patchwork, paper piecing, applique quilting and
wall hangings. Quilter designs include country, Americana, Christmas, houses,
sailing, and baby size animal quilts.
- The Quiltmaker's Gift - is
a beautiful picture book that celebrates the value of generosity, the spirit
of community, and the quilting tradition.
- Village Dry Goods
- Quilters Warehouse
- Academy of Quilting - online
quilting classes (one free) offered
- Academy of Quilting Facebook Page
- Arbee Designs
- Gloria Hansen - Artist . Writer .
Quiltmaker co-author "The Quilter's Computer Companion" and "Free Stuff
for Quilters on the Internet"
- The Lost Quilt Come Home Page - a
place to display lost or stolen quilts and information on how to protect
- Hop's
Escher Tiles - tiles and tessellations, including an animated tile
- International Quilt Festival
- Quiltchannel - an extensive
list of quilting links
- Marble-T Design- hand-marbled
fabrics and pattern kits
- L'Atelier Patchwork
de Simone
- Quilting with
- Quilts From Caring
Hands - quilts for children at risk
- World Wide Quilt Page
- QuiltBee Homepage
- Missing Fabrics
- Quilt-a-way Fabrics
- Northwest
- Kaye Wood's Home Page - The only
place you need to go for quilting patterns and books, notions,
templates and the latest tips and techniques in the quilting world. Free
email newsletter available too, just sign up at kayewood.com
- New England Quilt
- Planet Patchwork receive
'The Virtual Quilt' newsletter, explore lots of links!
- Benartex Inc. Home Page check
out their What's New page for free pattern
- Poakalani's
Hawaiian Quilting Page
- Quilter By Design, Debby
Kratovil's new virtual quilt site.
- QuiltBiz
- David Walker's Homepage
- What are tessellations?World
of Escher
Mail Lists and Newsgroups:
- QUILTNET is an internet e-mail list for General Quilting discussion
send "Subscribe Quiltnet Your Name" in a message to
LISTSERV@LSV.UKY.EDU (list may be closed)
- Q-XCHG@LSV.UKY.EDU Quilt related Exchanges
send "Subscribe Q-XCHG Your Name" in a message to
List name(list may be closed)
Quilting Software:
The best WWW search tools
Comments and information about this page
Disclaimer: I haven't tried everything you can reach from here ;-(
Please send updates, information, and corrections to Nina Dyer
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