Points 2
The present economic system is demonstrably failing to provide for people, failing to measure the pressures on people and the planet, failing to lift the burden of debt on nations and individuals, failing to nurture cultural diversity, failing to protect people from an increasingly unwieldy and uncontrolled financial system--and failing to exercise the world leadership they claim. [...] This failure to provide for people is unforgivable. But the solutions are in the hands--not just of the G7 leaders--but of us all, if we work together to dismantle the old economic mythology and move from learned helplessness to actively create a new global order. Power structures can be changed. We recognize the skills, insights, ways of knowing, forms of communication and resistance, and profound friendships and relations amongst people everywhere working for a better world.

Fundamental reform has never been so urgent. The policies of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization are having devastating consequences on our lives. Those in the South are increasingly marginalized and insecure; Canadians are reeling from cutbacks and job loss; workers in G7 countries are scrambling for diminishing work. And indigenous people, people of colour, and women bear the weight of the financial gains of the few. It is time to put the G7 "rich men's club" back into the hands of the people of the world.

Communique to G7 Leaders From The People's Summit
Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 16, 1995
The adoption of the proposals [in the Glenview Declaration] by the G7 leadership at this Summit will help us all to:
*  preserve the health of humanity and the ecology of the Global Commons for future generations; 
*  improve the economic climate, monetary and fiscal stability and curb speculation;
*  foster the increasing participation of civil society in the collective decisions affecting us;
*  re-establish personal and political sovereignty over the increasing servitude of debt.
conclusion of The Glenview Declaration and Proposals
 to the G7 Economic Summit, Halifax, June 1995
Civil, ethnic and religious strife, nuclear armament, armed conflicts, alien and colonial domination, foreign occupation, international economic imbalance, coercive economic measures, poverty, organized crime, and terrorism in all its forms are destructive to sustainable human settlement development and should therefore be renounced by all States. We believe that attaining these goals will promote a world more stable and free from injustice and conflict.
From Habitat II Agenda from a Peace Perspective
"More and more people who are bypassed by new world orders are crafting their own strategies for survival and development, and in the process are spinning their own transnational web to embrace and connect people across the world. Upon dreams of a global civilisation that represents human diversity and values people individually, a global civil society is beginning to take shape -- mostly off camera. It is the only force we see that can break the global gridlock. The great question of our age is whether people, acting with the spirit energy and urgency that our collective crisis requires, can develop a democratic global consciousness rooted in authentic local communities."
from Global Dreams by Richard Barnet and John Cavanagh
Are there constraints to working in partnership with senior governments and the other partner sectors? Yes there are constraints!

When our partners jealously guard, their resources,  their financial capacity,  their intellectual property, their political position, and control of their captive personnel, we have great difficulty in being partners. Remember most of us are volunteers.

We claim sustainable human settlements: 

  • in which adequate housing is an automatic right; 
  • in which honesty is more important than political image; 
  • in which the global commons is regarded as the heritage of all humanity; 
  • in which profit means an increase in the quality of life, not a surplus of money;
We claim a global society: 
  • in which security is a state of mind and heart rather than an inventory of guns, munitions, and landmines, and the preparedness to use them; 
  • in which the world financial system is transformed from accumulation of surplus money and investment in currency speculation and tax havens, to the distribution of plenty and investment in human and social capital.
We claim partnerships; 
  • which value co-operation more highly than competition; 
  • in which an attitude of accepting responsibility commands more respect than an attitude of merely demanding rights; 
  • in which it is normal for the principles of sustainable human settlements to triumph over inflated egos, misunderstanding and ignorance.
We dream of a world in which our partners share our dreams, our sense of urgency to make them come true, and will work with us to ensure that they do.

Please remember, we are the constituency..............

The Campaign for the Earth Foundation
Martin Luther King said that "A nation that continues, year after year, to spend more money on weapons of
destruction than on programs of social uplift approaches spiritual death." And I don't know how else to explain the point we've reached, where the world's strongest nation is preparing to drop bombs on desperate, starving people half a world a way in order to assert its will. Meanwhile, at home, children starve because money that could have been used to buy them food was spent instead on Aegis destroyers capable of destroying a continent. 2000 years ago in the Middle Eastern desert, one man asked "Who among you if a child was starving and cried out for bread would give him a stone?" Only the spiritually dead.
Resisting Spiritual Death by Sean Donahue, New Hampshire Peace Action