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I am willing to help seniors in Central Halifax maintain their own gardens, Nature's Way.

Global DE-warming can start right here, in our backyards, using Urban Gardening to leave a smaller,softer footprint on the Earth.

Even in this age of rampant consumerism, the fact remains that our city, like all cities throughout the ages, makes its greatest negative footprint upon Planet Earth through the food it eats.

The largest tonnage of material shipped into a city is the food and water it eats, along with the energy needed to store it and distribute it and eat it and finally ship food scraps and human waste produced from it out of the city.

A refrigerator or jet aircraft or 500 megawatt power plant are huge to ship into a city, their transport in consumes more energy that shipping in a head of lettuce from California.But these items are transported to cities to relatively few customers, relatively infrequently. But all of us eat, every day.Slowly but surely, the energy bill for feeding the humans and pets of a city adds up. Growing more green gardens in the urban space not only is fun and adds oxygen/reduces carbon dioxide, it greatly reduces the energy consumed in shipping vegetables in from distant Mexico or California. Better still, we can mulch and fertilize our gardens with compost from those same vegetables - reducing the energy used to make and ship-in chemical agents. And why must halifax's garden wastes end up in a Landfill in North Queens County?